Recipes with Parmesan cheese "Principe di Scilla" and the Extra Virgin Olive Oil "Principe di Scilla"

Spinach Cream

Ingredients: 300 gr. of Spinaches, a scallion (an onion type), and hard-boiled egg, 20 gr. of Vegetable Butter, 4 dl of vegetable broth, 1 tablespoon of Parmesan cheese "Principe di scilla", 50 gr. of cream, salt, pepper, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil "Principe di Scilla".

Time needed: 20 minutes for the preparation - 25 minutes for the cooking and the dish is ready to serve.

Clean and wash the spinaches, put them on a chopping board and cut the spinaches grossly.

Next, in a pan with a butter, fry the onions at a low heat. Add up the spinach and let them dry for 5/7 min with a lid. Wet with the hot broth and cook it for 15 minutes.

 Pass the Blender by joining the cream and bring it to boil. Dilute the corn flour with water and pour into a saucepan. Let it thicken and at the same time mixing.

Finally, put the cream in the dishes and add the finely chopped egg, grated Parmesan "Principe di Scilla" and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil "Principe di Scilla", which will give to all a particular perfume.

Imara Ruffo di Calabria

Recipes with the Tomato Sauce "Principe di Scilla", the Parmesan cheese "Principe di Scilla" and the Extra Virgin Olive Oil "Principe di Scilla"

Terrine of vegetables

For 6 people. To be served both warm or cold.

1 kg of potatoes, 200 gr. of watercress, 300 gr. of green beans, 300 gr. of courgette, 3 eggs, Parmesan cheese "Principe di Scilla", 300 gr. of Tomato Sauce "Principe di Scilla" and Extra Virgin Olive Oil "Principe di scilla".

Boil the potatoes in salted water. Drain and pass through a sieve. Clean watercress, wash it and dry it in a saucepan. Drain, squeeze, cut and merged with the potatoes.

Beat eggs slightly, add a pinch of salt and the grated Parmesan cheese and mix them with the mashed potatoes and the watercress.

Steam the courgette and the green beans, which have to remain good cooking.

Take a bowl capacity of 1.5 litres, and cover the inside with a parchment paper, then fill up a layer with potatoes, one with vegetables, thus continuing till to deplete all the ingredients.

Bake everything for 30 minutes at 180° C.

Let to cool down the bowl and then serve it with the tomato sauce a little heated and then add a drizzle of Extra Virgin Oilive Oil "Principe di Scilla".

Imara Ruffo di Calabria

How to cook the pasta 

80/100 gr. per person.

For each 100 grams of pasta it is needed 1 liter of water and 7 grams of salt.

Put the water in a saucepan and place it on the fire.

When the water is boiling add the salt and the pasta. Mix the dough at regular intervals.

Then, drain the pasta only after it has been tasted.

How to prepare the Tomato Sauce

Put the gravy ready in a pot with a little oil and if appreciated a clove of garlic. Warm it over a low heat for about 10 minutes, and then add a pinch of salt.

How to prepare the pasta with the Tomato Sauce

With the pasta in a table plate, after having it drained, add the warm tomato sauce over, adding a drizzle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and grated Parmesan cheese

Imara Ruffo di Calabria